Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11/01

I can remember 9/11/01 as if it were just yesterday. I was at work when the first plane hit, then in horror and utter amazement we all watched as the second plane hit. Then a 3rd attack and a 4th attack, all simultaneously. It was like a bad dream in living technicolor.

My first thought was thank you Lord that my sister was no longer working for Port Authority, because she would have surely been in the building that day. God is good because she was in the building when the terrorists struck in 1993, but he sent her home to us a bit shaken, but unharmed.

My daughter, 16 yrs old at the time, just could not wrap her mind around it all. She and a group of her friends had deep discussions trying to understand why and how something like this could happen in the 21st century. I told her that hatred transcends all time and only God knew the thoughts, hearts, and minds of people like that. I also told her that God does not sleep, nor slumber and any retribution would be His to exact. Still to this day she cannot understand it all.

I remember visiting 'ground zero' a year after the tragedy and was in utter shock and amazement. I could still visualize attending summer concerts in the plaza, and getting off the train in the Trade Center and walking through to go to work.

It's hard to believe a decade has past since this utterly senseless tragedy occurred. I just can't understand how someone can hate an entire country so much as to want to exact that kind of devastation. And for what? What was really accomplished by this? America is strong and her people are resilient - WE FALL DOWN BUT WE GET BACK UP - bigger, better, and stronger!!

I was out with my daughter yesterday and a muslim couple with a child passed us on the street. I immediately went back to 9/11 when I saw them, and although I know they were not the culprits I still could not help but cringe and have a bad thought when I saw them. Is this the normal reaction of all Americans?

The 9/11 memorial has been completed and is absolutely beautiful! There is also a 9/11 museum with things collected from the wreckage. Both are definitely must sees for anyone that goes to NYC to visit.

Although gone, NEVER forgotten.

~ In memory of those lost in the senseless tragedy of 9/11 ~


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