Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New Beginnings

You bring about new beginnings by leaving behind the things that compromise your wholeness.

We unburden ourselves by examining our emotional baggage and holding it up to the light. Carrying forward anything that makes us pity ourselves, feel bad about how we've acted or feel guilty about what we've not attended to will lead us to treat ourselves unkindly.

Anything that is weighing you down is made lighter if you take it to God. Then you're not running away from yourself, but summoning the courage to be with yourself, in stillness, in silence, where you will perceive the good that was created from the experience.

All your experiences are valid and important. Everything in your past happened for a reason. Each of your experiences is a step that is leading you to a right and better place.

~ Embrace, Relate, Release, Move On ~

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Perfect You...I Think Not!

I had to get this off my heart because it was really bothering me today. I like to say, "When I become perfect I'll expect it from you."

It just burns me up that someone can be so sanctimonious and self-righteous in thinking they are so above it all. Who are you to pass judgement on someone else because they have certain feelings about someone or something? People have the right to think and feel whatever they want.

NONE OF US are perfect...or close to it! I can honestly say that I am not a hypocrite, if I feel a certain way about someone or something then that is what is voiced. I shake my head at the 'Perfect Ones' that are all goodness and light in public, but behind closed doors you just can't stop passing judgement - hypocrisy at it's best. Then you have the gall to try to make me think that I am so wrong - shame on you!

At the end of the day there is no shame in my game - good, bad, right, wrong I am who I am. I don't need to put on airs for people to like me or see me a certain way - either you love me for who I am or you hate me - either way it's all good.

So, to all you pseudo perfect people - stop fronting cause when it's all said and done the only ones that will be judged is you!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Friends With The Enemy

I had this conversation with my Sig last night and it prompted some thoughts. You see until last night he was friends with someone that I truly dislike and that has publicly expressed their hatred of me, and has gone as far as bad mouthing me. My feelings about him being friends with this person was how could you be friends with someone that openly and publicly hates the person you say you love?

We previously discussed this matter and I told him that I couldn't tell him who to be friends with, but my feelings were - hell yea, I want you to dislike this person and not be friends with them too! His reaction was that this person never did anything to him so he couldn't in good consciousness feel any hatred/dislike toward them. My rebuttal was what about me and how I feel?

Well, he stayed friends with this person and of course that didn't sit well with me, but I let it go and kept my feelings about it inside. Last night we talked about it again, and he said he finally understood where I was coming from and how I could feel the way I did...and he apologized to me. That made me feel really good, like he really had my back.

It made me think - If you dislike someone and that someone dislikes you, but your significant other is friends with them is that right? Do you have the right to tell your sig not to be friends with that person? Is that an expectation that you should have?

I'd like to know what folks think about this!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Do you ever think about the time you have here and how you spend it?

Ok, what if by some strange twist things changed in the world and we were all given a total of 25 years to live - and to add to that twist instead of paying for the things we buy and the services we use with money, we had to pay with our time/years!

For example, a cup of coffee would cost you 3 or 4 hours. And remember, even if you never buy or use anything you will still use 24 hours everyday.

How would you adjust your way of living - the things you do or buy - to manage/maximize the years you have?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Blogging Virgin

I was made aware that October is National Blog Month. I've known about blogging for a long time, but have never really gotten into it until now. A new and dear friend has been my 'muse' to get my own blog going. I read her blogs and am inspired by her openness.

I've always kept a journal for as long as I can remember, and have always felt safe doing so. When blogging came out I really liked the thought of it but was always afraid to post certain things - especially on a public blogging site where anyone could read your inner most thoughts and feelings. But I guess you post what you want the world to know and leave the rest in a guarded place.

Well, I'm taking the leap. I don't have any followers on my blog yet but on the off chance that one day someone will venture into my 'Sea Of Consciousness' I want them to have some great Soul Food to digest.

I'm here world...just making my way!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Whether you are a survivor, family member of a survivor, know someone that has had this disease, or lost someone that has had it. We've all been touched by breast cancer in some way. And it doesn't just affect women - men get breast cancer too!

So let's all support finding a cure for this dreaded disease - LET''S CREATE MORE BIRTHDAYS!

If you want to lend your support and make a donation to the cause just go to Susan G. Komen for the cure and get involved!